“JVMP-MXN”是一个令人惊叹的新 OvO 灵感包系列。由 6od 本人批准的五个可怕的、惊天动地的砰砰声。保证让您在下一个主要位置的竞争中领先光年。您可以免费拥有这些相同质量的样品。只需加载到您最喜欢的 DAW 或采样器中。
‘JVMP-MXN’ is an amazing new OvO inspired pack series. Five monsterous, Earth-rattling bangers approved by the 6od himself. Guaranteed to put you light-years ahead of the competition for your next major placement. You can own these same quality samples Royalty-Free. Just load into your favourite DAW or sampler.