OvO 1017 包含 30 个 Melodic Lofi – 免版税样本。声音没有分开,而是全部组合在一起,就好像它是在唱片上播放的真实样本一样。 这些旋律声音的灵感来自 Drake / Tory Lanes / Gucci Mane / Bryson Tiller / 等等。该套件一定会为您提供您正在寻找的新的现代声音。我们的团队专门制作免版税的 lofi 旋律声音。
OvO 1017 contains 30 Melodic Lofi – Samples that are Royalty Free. The sounds are not separated, but they are all combined as if it was a real sample played on a record. These melodic sounds are inspired By Drake / Tory Lanes / Gucci Mane / Bryson Tiller / and More. This Kit Is sure to Give you that new modern sound that you are looking for. Our team specializes in making royalty free lofi melodic sounds.