纯模拟循环、样本和模式的 Deep Underground Tech House。 900+Mbs,包括黑暗合成器、模块化主音和打击乐器、坚韧的帽子、巨大的低音提琴线、人声等等。 Analog Tech Patterns 专为 house 和 techno 制作人的硬件角度而构建,但很容易适用于任何渴望新声音和独特模式的流派。
Deep Underground Tech House of pure Analog loops, samples and patterns. 900+Mbs with everything from dark synths, modular leads & percussion, gritty hats, huge sub-bass lines, vocals, & more. Analog Tech Patterns is built for the hardware angle of house & techno producers, but is easily suited for any genre that craves new sounds and unique patterns.