“Studio Session: Festival Melody Vol 1”是最新的强大旋律包。此音量为您带来 40 个新鲜且免版税的 MIDI 循环和 128 BPM 的 70 个 WAV 引导循环。该产品适用于 EDM、Festival House、Big Room、Progressive House、Swedish House 以及更多基于 EDM 的音乐风格。 “Studio Session: Festival Melody Vol 1”包括 40 个 MIDI 循环,可随时分配给您最喜欢的合成器或采样器,并在您的个人或商业作品中使用,无需额外费用。
‘Studio Session: Festival Melody Vol 1’ is the newest powerful melody pack. This volume brings you 40 fresh and Royalty-Free MIDI loops and 70 WAV lead loops in 128 BPM. This product is suitable for EDM, Festival House, Big Room, Progressive House, Swedish House, and many more styles of EDM-based music. ‘Studio Session: Festival Melody Vol 1’ includes 40 MIDI loops, ready to assign to your favourite synth or sampler and use in your personal or commercial productions at no extra cost to you.