Festival Trap WAV MiDi

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您是否正在寻找一个完美代表音乐节声音的样品包?寻找注入大低音的 受 Sk rillex、Ma […]



您是否正在寻找一个完美代表音乐节声音的样品包?寻找注入大低音的 受 Sk rillex、Marshmello、Diplo、Martin Garrix、Zomboy 的声音启发的 dr ops 以及更多……节日陷阱 包含超过 200 个样本,全部 100% 免版税,涵盖电子舞曲的全部范围,并包括所有必要的制作材料,让您创作的曲目会让人群尖叫更多。从多肉的主房间挂钩,大于生活鼓点、厚颜无耻的贝斯线、脏鼓循环、声音旋转 FX、鼓舞人心的歌曲启动器、创新的声乐工具等等!这个样本包包含 5 个准备就绪的歌曲启动器,是任何想要创建高质量曲目的制作人的完美工具包准备好进入主舞台。此包中的内容还可以用于其他类型,例如 Future Bass、Rap、Hip-Hop、Grime、D&B、Trap、Progressive House……想要成为排行榜冠军?那么这是给你的。
Are you searching for a sample pack that perfectly repres ents the sound of the festival season?Looking for big bass infused  dr ops inspired by the sounds of Sk rillex, Marshmello, Diplo, Marti n Garrix, Zomboy and loads more…Festival Trap  contains over 200 samples all 100% royalty free, covering the full spectrum of Electronic Dance Music, and includes all the essential production material to get you creating tracks that will get the crowd screaming for more.Everything from meaty main-room hooks, larger than life drum hits, brazen basslines, dirty drum loops, sonic whirling FX, inspirational songstarters, innovative vocal tools and much much more!This sample pack contains 5 ready to go songstarters and is the perfect toolkit for any producer wanting to create high-quality tracks ready for the main stage.Content in this pack can also be used in other genres such as Future Bass, Rap, Hip-Hop, Grime, D&B, Trap, Progressive House…Looking to make a chart topping hit? Then this is for you.
