IAMT是由乌克兰艺术家斯巴达克创立的品牌。在 Techno 和 Tech House 版本上努力了 2 年,我们的团队决定为电子音乐的发展做出贡献,并开始发布循环和样本。我们真的认为这是将我们创造的声音带给人们的最佳方式,帮助制作人制作我们的循环和声音的轨道。 有了这些新包,我们希望在全球更多的曲目和专辑中加入一点 IAMT 的平静。 而这个新方向有助于我们扩展IAMT的名字。
IAMT is a label founded by the Ukrainian artist Spartaque. Working hard for 2 years on Techno and Tech House releases our team decides to make a contribution to the development of electronic music and to start releasing loops and samples. We really think that it is the best way to bring the sound we create to people, helping producers to make the tracks of our loops and sounds. With these new packages we hope to put a little peace of IAMT into more tracks and albums worldwide. And this new direction helps us to extend IAMT’s name..