Progressia WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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“Progressia”以庞大而出色的样本包,独特的 Progressive House 和 Trance 声 […]



“Progressia”以庞大而出色的样本包,独特的 Progressive House 和 Trance 声音选择,具有现代影响和新鲜想法,将通常的声音抛在脑后。它包含构建套件、额外循环、FX 和 MIDI 文件。您的下一个 Progressive Trance 曲目的所有内容都是免版税的。灵感来自于 Trance 场景中的领先标签,例如 Enhanced Progressive、Anjunabeats 和 Ride Recordings,这是一个独特的包,包含制作 Trance 热门歌曲所需的一切。最后,您将看到如何使用独特的人声氛围、激进的贝斯线和流畅而令人惊叹的击穿来创建郁郁葱葱的 Trance 2.0 热门歌曲。为了创作最高质量的音乐,所有内容都经过速度同步和键标记,以简化使用它们的工作。是时候用这个包释放你的创作自由了。 ……:::::: 规格 ::::::……
? 格式:WAV 和 MIDI
? 005 x 构建套件 –(包括:Stem/Loops、MIDI 文件)
? 005 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview 演示
? 045 x 单个 (WAV) 词干/循环文件
? 010 x 个人 (MIDI) 文件
? 025 x 循环:
? 005 x 鼓填充
? 010 x 鼓循环
? 010 x 打击乐循环
? 035 x FX:
? 010 x 下压机
? 010 x 提升者
? 015 x 人声反转
? 总共 120 个文件
? 键和速度标签
? 44.1kHz 24 位高品质
? 兼容所有 DAW
? PC 和 Mac 兼容
? 100% 免版税
‘Progressia’ leave the usual sounds behind with a massive and outstanding sample pack, a unique selection of Progressive House and Trance sounds with modern influences and fresh ideas. It contains Construction Kits, extra loops, FX and MIDI files. All content is Royalty-Free for your next Progressive Trance track. Inspired by the leading labels on the Trance scene such as Enhanced Progressive, Anjunabeats, and Ride Recordings, a unique pack which contains all you need to produce your Trance hit. Finally you will see how to create lush Trance 2.0 hits with unique vocal atmospheres, aggressive basslines and smooth and breathtaking breakdowns. For creating music of the best quality, all content is tempo synced and key labelled to simplify the work with them. It’s time to release your creative freedom with this pack.

……:::::: Specifications ::::::……
? Format: WAVs & MIDIs
? 005 x Construction Kits – (Including: Stems/Loops, MIDIs Files)
? 005 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Demos
? 045 x Individual (WAVs) Stems/Loops Files
? 010 x Individual (MIDIs) Files
? 025 x Loops:
? 005 x Drum Fills
? 010 x Drum Loops
? 010 x Percussion Loops
? 035 x FX:
? 010 x Downlifters
? 010 x Uplifters
? 015 x Vocal Reverses
? 120 x Files In Total
? Key And Tempo-Labelled
? 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality
? Compatible With All DAWs
? PC & Mac Compatible
? 100% Royalty-Free
