Reggae X Pop WAV MiDi

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<b>“Reggae X Pop”是牙买加雷鬼音乐和现代流行音乐样本的精美合集。此包将为您提供与流 […]



<b>“Reggae X Pop”是牙买加雷鬼音乐和现代流行音乐样本的精美合集。此包将为您提供与流行音乐的声音混合的雷鬼和配音湿透的样本。</b> 此包包括五个雷鬼和流行音乐构建套件,其中包含范围广泛的元素列表,其中包括广泛的雷鬼和流行音乐音乐、硬朗 808、现代雷鬼鼓循环等。包含 MIDI 文件,因此这些样本可以被切碎、切片、拉伸和调整。如果您正在为自己的创新音乐作品寻找高质量、温暖质感和真实的样本,并融合了雷鬼和流行音乐律动,那么“Reggae X Pop”就是为您准备的。开始混合和匹配这些元素以获得您自己独特的声音。
‘Reggae X Pop’ is an exquisite collection of Jamaican Reggae music and Modern Pop music samples. This pack will provide you with Reggae & Dub drenched samples mingled with the sound of Pop music. This pack includes five Reggae & Pop Construction Kits, featuring a far-ranging list of elements that includes a wide spectrum of Reggae & Pop Music, hard-knocking 808, grooving modern Reggae drum loops and more. MIDI files are included so these samples are ready to be chopped, sliced, stretched and pitched. If you are looking for high-quality, warm textured & authentic samples for your own innovative music productions blended with Reggae and Pop music grooves, ‘Reggae X Pop’ is for you. Start mixing and matching these elements to get your own unique sound.
