Reggaeton Styles 1 WAV-DECiBEL

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自从 90 年代在波多黎各首次发展以来,Reggaeton 在主流作品中的受欢迎程度越来越高。这个系列的特色是 […]



自从 90 年代在波多黎各首次发展以来,Reggaeton 在主流作品中的受欢迎程度越来越高。这个系列的特色是充满激情的原声吉他拨片、令人兴奋的拉丁打击乐——更不用说铜管部分了!加入马林巴独奏或手鼓样本,为您的制作添加最后的润色。 Reggaeton Styles 1 – 在海滩度过炎热的夏夜的完美配乐! Reggaeton Styles 1 是 Image Sounds 的另一个版本,包括 10 个构建工具包,其中包含用于快速导航的不同子文件夹。每个构建工具包的子文件夹包含不同的变化部分或周转。每个文件夹都有自己的演示混音,让您快速了解音乐。此外,所有乐器和鼓轨道都可以单独使用。每个文件夹都提供了大量不同的循环选择,所有这些循环都可以很好地协同工作,也可以单独使用。文件夹的所有循环都可以轻松组合。因此,您可以为一首完整的歌曲选择循环,或者只为您的歌曲使用一个样本——所有这些都在几秒钟内完成。这些循环使用起来简单直观,可以实现快速的工作流程,这对于音乐制作当然是必不可少的。该产品的总大小为 2,12 GB。该库包含 41 个文件夹,共提供 647 个不同风格的循环。
Reggaeton has experienced an ever-growing popularity in mainstream productions since it first evolved in Puerto Rico in the 90s. This collection features passionate acoustic guitar pickings, exciting latin percussion – not to mention the brass section! Throw in a marimba solo or tambourine sample to add the finishing touches to your production. Reggaeton Styles 1 – the perfect soundtrack for a hot summer night at the beach! Reggaeton Styles 1 is another release from Image Sounds and includes 10 construction kits, which consist different subfolders for quick navigation. The sub folder of each construction kit contains different variation parts or turnarounds. Each folder has its own demo mix to give you a quick musical overview. Furthermore, all instrument and drum tracks are available individually. Each folder offers a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a folder can easily be combined. Thus you can select loops for a complete song or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow, which, of course, is essential in music production.The product is 2,12 GB in size all in all. The library contains 41 folder and offers a total of 647 loops in different styles.
