Retrowave WAV

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“Retrowave”,一个热门的 10 首歌曲启动包,分为精选的高品质循环和带有特殊标签签名混合的 one- […]



“Retrowave”,一个热门的 10 首歌曲启动包,分为精选的高品质循环和带有特殊标签签名混合的 one-shot。 100% 免版税的声音开始您的下一个怀旧热门歌曲。 Retrowave 配备了价值 1GB 的复古风格乐器,涵盖了各种风格。共有 173 个高品质 24 位 Wav 文件,包括柔软的模拟垫、丰富的合成器音色、原始的钟声旋律,以及厚实的贝斯线、不断变化的弹拨和混响背景音轨。每件乐器都经过单独抛光、平衡和混合,可以在任何录音中即时使用。所有循环都设置为 100 BPM。鼓被渲染成循环和单次,让您构建自己的节拍。
“Retrowave”, a hot 10-track songstarter pack divided into a selection of top quality loops and one-shots with that special label signature blend. 100% royalty free sounds to kickstart your next nostalgic hit. Retrowave comes with 1GB worth of retro flavoured instrumentations covering a wide range of styles. A total of 173 high quality 24-bit Wav files, including soft analog pads, lush synth licks, pristine bell melodies, as well as thick basslines, evolving plucks and reverby backing tracks. Each instrument is individually polished, balanced and mixed to qualify an instant use on any recording. All of the loops are set to 100 BPM. Drums are rendered into loops and one-shots to let you build your own beats.
