<strong>Synthwave </strong> 带有一些真正令人惊叹的未来主义和 80 年代声音节拍、旋律、琶音和丰富的合成器。坐下来准备好进入这个未来世界。您可以在这里找到 800 MB 的素材,这些素材分布在 387 个开创性的循环和样本中,可用于各种未来派音乐。从 80 年代的强力节拍到合成鼓填充,从复古贝斯线到重型合成贝司,从华丽的打击垫到复古的主旋律,从星际琶音到梦幻音序器,从银河合成器到强力和弦,从低保真效果到大气旋律等等。它包括制作舞池破坏者曲目所需的所有基础知识。
Synthwave comes with some truly amazing futuristic and 80s sounding beats, melodies, arpeggios and lush synths. Sit back and prepare yourself to enter this futuristic world. You can expect to find here with 800 MB of material spread over 387 ground-breaking loops & samples to be used in variety of futuristic music. From ’80s power beats to synth drum fills, driving retro basslines to heavy synth basses, lush pads to retro lead melodies, interstellar arpeggios to dreamy sequencers, galactic synths to power chords, lo-fi FX to atmospheric melodies and more. It includes all the basics you need to produce dance-floor destroyer tracks.