Punk Rock Guitars WAV-FANTASTiC

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欢迎来到朋克摇滚吉他!准备好为你的节拍添加一些讨厌的吉他乐句吧!受 Green Day、Blink-182、F […]



欢迎来到朋克摇滚吉他!准备好为你的节拍添加一些讨厌的吉他乐句吧!受 Green Day、Blink-182、Fallout Boy、My Chemical Romance 和 Dead Kennedy 之类的启发,这 32 首 Guitar Licks 可以快速为您的曲目添加一些独特且鼓舞人心的派对摇滚歌曲!我们想为这些吉他循环提供坚实而令人讨厌的音调,以真正让制作人和节拍者感觉就像在摇滚音乐会上随着当晚的国歌而奔跑!
Welcome to Punk Rock Guitars! Get ready to add some nasty guitar licks to your beats! Inspired by the likes of Green Day, Blink-182, Fallout Boy, My Chemical Romance and Dead Kennedy’s these 32 Guitar Licks are quick to add some unique and inspirational party rock anthems to your tracks! We wanted to give these guitar loops a solid yet nasty tone to really give the producer and beatmaker that feel of being at a rock concert moshing along to the anthem of the night!
