Memory Cassettes WAV MiDi-DECiBEL

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Cultured Cassettes 从 OneoTrixPointNever 和标志性的英国唱片公司 War […]



Cultured Cassettes 从 OneoTrixPointNever 和标志性的英国唱片公司 Warp Records 的混乱声音世界中汲取灵感。 Aphex Twin、Clark 和 Darkstar 等艺术家的故乡,他们标志性的怀旧合成器作品和音色写在每一个这些令人惊叹的样本中。高度专注于 mellotron 以及我们最喜欢的经典模拟合成器,我们降低了每个循环以显示以所有正确方式摆动和扭曲的美丽纹理。正是这种声音的退化使这些经典的合成器样本唤起了真正的情感和情感。
Cultured Cassettes takes inspiration from the chaotic sound worlds of OneoTrixPointNever and the iconic UK label Warp Records. Home to artists like Aphex Twin, Clark and Darkstar, their trademark nostalgic synth work and tone is written across every single one of these stunning samples. Heavily focused on the mellotron as well as our favourite classic analogue synths, we’ve degraded each loop to reveal beautiful textures that wobble and distorted in all the right ways. It’s this degradation of sound that makes these classic synth samples evoke true emotion and sentiment.
