Synth Waves WAV-DiSCOVER

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门控混响、VHS 驱动的模拟合成器、磁带嘶嘶声和颤动的铅线只是这个史诗般的真实 Synthwave 样本集合的 […]



门控混响、VHS 驱动的模拟合成器、磁带嘶嘶声和颤动的铅线只是这个史诗般的真实 Synthwave 样本集合的开始。这些标志性样本由 WMD 制作天才创造,保证为它们如此优雅的任何轨道添加颜色和纹理。不可否认,那些缓慢跳动的铅线真是太棒了! <b>80 年代原声带灵感</b>:从 Boards of Canada 到 Vangelis,从 80 年代电影配乐到经典街机游戏,Synthwave 的标志性声音唤起了人们无法忽视的怀旧之情。想想情绪化的 Juno 和弦进程、复古 808、909 和 Linn 鼓样本、温暖的 Moog 贝司线、空灵的打击垫样本等等。 <b>Analogue Synth One-Shots:</b> 如果这还不够,我们还提供了一系列令人惊叹的扩展合成器 one-Shots,它们可以完美地放在您选择的采样器中。您还可以从最具标志性的鼓机中找到一些精美饱和的鼓样本,这意味着您将拥有创建最真实的 Synthwave 音轨所需的一切。所以今天就用这种怀旧之美挖掘并发挥创意吧!
Gated reverbs, VHS driven analogue synths, tape hiss and fluttered lead lines are just the start in this epic collection of authentic Synthwave samples. Created by the production genius that is WMD, these iconic samples guarantee to add colour and texture to any track they so grace. It’s undeniable, those slowly pitching lead lines are just so damn good! 80s Soundtrack Inspirations: From Boards of Canada to Vangelis, 80s film soundtracks to classic Arcade games the iconic sounds of Synthwave evoke thoughts of nostalgia that just can’t be ignored. Think emotive Juno chord progressions, vintage 808, 909 and Linn drum samples, warm Moog bass lines, ethereal pad samples and so much more. Analogue Synth One-Shots: If that wasn’t enough we’ve also included an amazing collection of extended synth one shots that will sit perfectly in your sampler of choice. You’ll also find some beautifully saturated drum samples from the most iconic of drum machines meaning you’ll have everything you could need to create the most authentic of Synthwave tracks. So dig in and get creative today with this nostalgic beauty!
