“Vaporwave”准备以更完美的现代方式唤起 80 年代怀旧声音的精神。这个包带有一些真正令人惊叹的复古声音,结合现代电子音乐和低保真美学。您可以在这里找到 595MB 的素材,分布在 225 个突破性的循环和样本中,可用于各种未来派音乐。从厚实的鼓到慢动作节奏,尘土飞扬的合成器到肮脏的节奏,复古注入的旋律到粗短的贝司,模糊的噪音到梦幻般的琶音,将复古的贝司线驱动到重型合成器贝司,lo-fi FX 等等……包含所有材料你需要制作打破图表的曲目!
’Vaporwave’ ready to evoke spirit of the 80’s nostalgic sounds in a more pitch-perfect modern way. This pack comes with some truly amazing retro sounds combined with modern electronica and spiced with lo-fi aesthetics. You can expect to find here with 595MB of material spread over 225 ground-breaking loops & samples to be used in variety of futuristic music. From chunky drums to slow-mo grooves, dusty synth to grimy rhythms, retro-infused melodies to stubby basses, fuzzy noises to dreamy arpeggios, driving retro basslines to heavy synth-basses, lo-fi FXs and more.. Contains all the materials you need to produce chart-breaker tracks!