Future Tropical WAV MiDi

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Future Tropical 是一个热带房子样本包,结合了阳光亲吻的凹槽、幸福的合成器工作、滚动的慢房子鼓和 […]



Future Tropical 是一个热带房子样本包,结合了阳光亲吻的凹槽、幸福的合成器工作、滚动的慢房子鼓和美味的模拟合成器,保证将您的作品提升到新的高度。这个令人惊叹的热带样本集合已经过 Touch Loops 处理和他们真正应得的关注,确保您的样本库将得到当今可用的最好的混合就绪、郁郁葱葱的凹槽的支持。从未来的热带到未来的寒冷,从环境到房屋,我们都能满足您的需求。 5 个设计精美的建筑套件,每个元素与下一个元素无缝交互,提供无限的可能性和组合。从歌曲开始到完整曲目,灵感永无止境。
Future Tropical is a tropical house sample pack teaming with sun kissed grooves, blissed out synth work, rolling slow house drums and delicious analogue synths that guarantee to lift your productions to new heights. This stunning collection of tropical samples have been given the Touch Loops treatment and attention that they truly deserve ensuring your sample library will be bolstered with the finest mix ready, lush grooves available today. From future tropical to future chill, ambient to house we’ve got you covered. 5 beautifully designed construction kits, each element seamlessly interacts with the next offering endless possibilities and combinations. From song starters to full tracks the inspiration never ends.
