Summer Guitar & Vox 只为您带来最新鲜和最好听的现场吉他循环和 VOX 即兴演奏,让您在夏季制作中获得领先优势!拥有超过 40 种夏季流行的吉他变奏曲,您将拥有为下一首曲目获取灵感所需的一切!每个吉他循环都是使用最先进的录音设备现场录制的!我们不仅出口了各种现场吉他(包括电吉他和尼龙原声吉他),还出口了各种 Vox 主音!这些非常适合为您的下一个主角提供最前沿的声音!
Summer Guitar & Vox brings you only the freshest and best sounding live guitar loops and vox riffs that will give you a cutting edge to your summer production! With over 40 summer struck guitar variations you will have everything you need to grab some inspiration for your next track! Each guitar loop was recorded live using state of the art recording equipment! Not only have we exported a variety of live guitars (both Electric and nylon acoustic), but also a variety of Vox leads! These are great for giving your next lead a cutting edge sound!