Tropic House Percussion and Kicks WAV MiDi

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努力为您的下一个热带之家曲目找到合适的底鼓或打击乐循环?如果是这样,我们很高兴为您提供帮助,带来终极的热带房屋 […]



努力为您的下一个热带之家曲目找到合适的底鼓或打击乐循环?如果是这样,我们很高兴为您提供帮助,带来终极的热带房屋打击乐包,包括 Loops 和 One-Shots,这将使您的工作比以往更快。 “Tropic House Percussion & Kicks”是专为这种令人兴奋的新类型而设计的产品。在里面你会发现一切: 热带打击乐循环:易于使用、剪切、安排、混合和在几秒钟内重新制作你自己的原始循环。热带打击乐 One-Shots:包括帮助您快速构建自己的循环的所有工具。 Kicks、Cllaps、Hihats 和 Percussion 击球——你还需要什么?
Trying hard to find the right kicks or percussion loops for your next Tropical House tracks? If so, we are glad to help you, bringing the ultimate Tropical House percussion pack, including Loops and One-Shots, which will make your work flow faster than ever. “Tropic House Percussion & Kicks” is a product designed especially for this new exciting genre. Inside you will find absolutely everything: Tropical Percussion Loops: easy to work with, cut, arrange, mix and re-work your own original loops in seconds. Tropical Percussion One-Shots: including all the tools to help you build your own loops quickly. Kicks, Claps, Hihats and Percussion shots – what else you need?
