“Tropical Chillout:Vocal Edition”为您带来五个幸福的建筑套件,里面装满了郁郁葱葱的热带乐器、柔滑的旋律和完整的声乐表演。你会发现长笛、钢琴、吉他等等,都以流畅的现代流行鼓为背景。这些空灵的建筑套件和人声非常适合在露台上消磨时光。每个套件的核心都是声乐表演,非常适合激发新想法或切碎和重新采样。当然,包括湿文件和干文件,以及一次性和 MIDI 文件。
‘Tropical Chillout: Vocal Edition’ brings you five blissful Construction Kits packed full of lush Tropical instrumentation, silky melodies and complete vocal performances. You’ll find flutes, pianos, guitars and more, all set against a backdrop of slick modern Pop drums. These ethereal Construction Kits and vocals are perfect for whiling away the hours on the terrace. At the heart of each kit are vocal performances, perfect for inspiring new ideas or for chopping and re-sampling. And of course wet and dry files are included, as well as one-shots and MIDI files.