热带房子的悠闲凹槽这次在甲板上,Singular 已经编译了一个慷慨的帮助循环和一个镜头,让你的音乐想法脱离现实。深沉的低音弹拨、清脆的鼓声和俏皮的合成旋律只是其中的一小部分元素。甚至还有一个从头开始设计的 Sylenth1 银行。外面的天气可能很糟糕,但您仍然可以通过热带屋为舞池带来一些阳光明媚的海滩氛围!
The laid-back grooves of tropical house are on deck this time, and Singular has compiled a generous helping of loops and one-shots to get your musical ideas off the ground . Deep bass plucks, crisp drum hits, and playful synth melodies are just a few of the elements to be found within. There’s even a Sylenth1 bank designed from the ground up. The weather outside may be frightful, but you can still bring some sunny beach vibes to the dancefloor with Tropical House!