热带之爱 Vol.1-2 为您带来 5 种美丽的热带房屋建筑套件和 BONUS 鼓!使用 3 种全新的套件逃离热带天堂,这些套件充满新鲜的声音,将为您的作品增添无尽的灵感。在每个套件中,您会发现:MIDI、Wav 循环、Fx、打击乐器、底鼓、旋律、主音、和弦、Vox 等等!每个文件都在各自的文件夹中,为方便起见,这些文件夹通常标记为 Key & Bpm。
Tropical Love Vol.1-2 brings you 5 beautiful tropical house construction kits and BONUS drums! Escape to the tropical paradise with 3 brand new kits that are full of fresh sounding vibes that will add endless inspiration to your productions. Inside each kit you will find: MIDI, Wav loops, Fx, percussions, kicks, melodies, leads, chords, Vox and more! Every file is in the respective folders which are Key & Bpm labeled per usual for your convenience.