Techno Vocals Vol.2 WAV-DECiBEL

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为您的 Techno 作品收集海量人声。在品牌的“Deep Vocal”、“Tech Vocals”和“Tec […]



为您的 Techno 作品收集海量人声。在品牌的“Deep Vocal”、“Tech Vocals”和“Techno Vocals”取得成功之后,它们为您带来了更多您想要的东西。 200 个人声乐句、单词、钩子、剪切和故障循环已经过均衡和处理,具有典型的黑暗和原始的 Techno 声音,非常适合每一种 Underground 风格。这些人声可以与 Tech-House、Minimal、Deep House 和 House 配合使用,让您的曲目具有 Techno 优势。在里面,你会发现催眠、黑暗的短语、剪辑、钩子和单词经过协调和处理,产生巨大的影响,与你的底鼓和技术贝司混合,制作出令人惊叹的曲目;和故障声音,为您的音乐添加特殊的技术律动。在演示曲目中听到的所有声音都在 C 中。所有样本均为 126 BPM。
Massive vocals collection for your Techno productions. After the success of the label’s ‘Deep Vocal’, ‘Tech Vocals’ and ‘Techno Vocals’, they bring you more of what you’ve asked for. 200 vocal phrases, words, hook, cut and glitch loops have been equalized and processed to have that typical dark and raw Techno sound perfect for every Underground style. These vocals would work with Tech-House, Minimal, Deep House, and House giving your tracks a Techno edge. Inside you’ll find hypnotic, dark phrases, cuts, hooks and words harmonized and processed for a great impact, to mix with your kick and Tech bass for making amazing tracks; and glitch voices for adding a special Tech groove to your music. All the voices are in C as heard in the demo track. All the samples are 126 BPM.
