Ultra Deep House Saxophones WAV-DiSCOVER

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“Ultra Deep House Saxophones”捕捉了深沉而引人入胜的萨克斯管声音的表现力,以便您可 […]



“Ultra Deep House Saxophones”捕捉了深沉而引人入胜的萨克斯管声音的表现力,以便您可以将其添加到自己的音乐作品中。这个包为您提供了一系列鼓舞人心的旋律短语,让您可以创建具有真实演奏感的真实主旋律和旋律线。 “Ultra Deep House Saxophones”是现代 Deep House 音乐真实声音的汇编,灵感来自 Kungs & Klingande 曲目。
‘Ultra Deep House Saxophones’ captures the expressive magic of the deep & catchy saxophone sound so that you can add it to your own musical productions. This pack provides you with a collection of inspiring melodic phrases, allowing you to create authentic lead and melody lines with a real sense of performance. ‘Ultra Deep House Saxophones’ is a compilation of the real sound of modern Deep House music and it was inspired by the Kungs & Klingande tracks.
