“Nu Trance”是一个永恒的独家声音合集,包括 10 种不同的声部,为您提供充分的灵活性。如果您正在寻找灵感和工具来轻松制作您喜爱的欣快、令人振奋的 Trance 音乐,那么这个包可以满足您的需求。您会发现为 Mainstage 完美设计的梦幻旋律元素和为吸引观众而精心打造的巨大国歌和弦进行的组合。这个传染性生产工具包旨在为您提供最大的灵活性。高品质的音频循环和单音将无缝插入任何 EDM、电子、Progressive House 或 Trance 轨道——从杀手贝司、鼓和合成器循环、有力的鼓点(包括键标记的底鼓!)和扭曲的合成器中选择和鼓舞人心的外汇。我们还包括 4 个必备的歌曲启动器构建工具包,其中包含 100% 免版税的人声。
‘Nu Trance’ is a timeless collection of exclusive sounds including 10 different vocal parts, to offer you full flexibility. If you are looking for the inspiration and tools to make the euphoric, uplifting Trance music you love, easily, then this pack has you covered. You’ll find a combination of dreamy melodic elements perfectly designed for the Mainstage and huge anthem chord progressions crafted to get the crowd hyped. This infectious production toolkit is designed to offer you ultimate flexibility. The top quality audio loops and one-shots will slot seamlessly into any EDM, Electro, Progressive House or Trance track – choose from killer bass, drum and synth loops, punchy drum hits (including key-labelled kicks!) and twisted synth shots and inspiring FX. We have also included 4 must-have songstarter construction kits containing 100% royalty-free vocals.