70s Funk Awards Vol.5 WAV-MAGNETRiXX

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'70's Funk Awards 5' 再次来到这里,它的第五部分为您带来了 197 […]



'70's Funk Awards 5' 再次来到这里,它的第五部分为您带来了 1970 年代议会 Funkadelic 风格的老派音乐。 Funk 游戏具有您只能在此处找到的自定义声音,更上一层楼。 P Funk 乐队在 1970 年代度过了他们的鼎盛时期,并继续吸引新老粉丝,他们深受其令人难以置信的遗产的启发。最重要的是,这些建筑套件是免版税的,这意味着您可以在个人或商业作品中使用它们。
’70’s Funk Awards 5′ is here again with its fifth installment bringing you that 1970’s Parliament Funkadelic style Old School music. The Funk game to the next level with a custom sound that you can only find right here. The P Funk group had their hey day in the 1970’s and continue to attract new and old fans who are so inspired by their incredible legacy. Best of all, these Construction Kits are Royalty-Free, meaning you can use them in personal or commercial compositions.
