电子迪斯科放克。这五个建筑套件中的每一个都是一个会让俱乐部变得疯狂的爆炸物。如果您正在寻找一首以 Electro Funk 和 Complextro 为灵感的热门曲目,那么这首曲目适合您。您会发现五个 24 位 WAV 循环和 MIDI 文件的构建套件,全部免版税。
Electro Disco Funk. Each of these five Construction Kits is a banger that will make the clubs go wild. If you are looking for a hot track that is inspired the best in Electro Funk and Complextro, this one is for you. You’ll find five Construction Kits of 24-Bit WAV loops and MIDI files, all Royalty-Free.