Real Funk And Hip Hop Bass WAV-FANTASTiC

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真正的 FUNK 和 HIP HOP BASS – 由“DR FUNK”出色地演奏真正的 BASSLINEs, […]



真正的 FUNK 和 HIP HOP BASS – 由“DR FUNK”出色地演奏真正的 BASSLINEs,其 FUNK 和 SWING 比你可以摇一摇…… Funk 博士在 Facebook 和 YouTube 上拥有数百万的浏览量,并且是一流的贝司手。我们设法和男主角一起进入录音室,进入他的贝司,抓住一些相当美味的贝司线!这些循环集对于任何希望在您的作品 BPM 范围从 80-90bpm 中提亮他们的低音并捕捉有机感觉的制作人来说非常有用。因此可以很好地与 Lo-Fi、Hip-Hop 和 Pop 作品配合使用。所有 WAV 文件都带有键标记和 bpm 标记,并且已经过 EQ 处理以适合您的作品,开箱即用。抓住放克并获得灵感!
REAL FUNK & HIP HOP BASS – SUPERBLY PLAYED REAL BASSLINES BY “DR FUNK” WITH MORE FUNK & SWING THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK AT… Dr Funk has had millions of views on Facebook & YouTube and is top-class bass player. We managed to get into the studio with the main man and get inside his bass and grab some rather tasty Bass Lines! These sets of loops are really useful for any producers looking to brighten up their bass and catch an organic feel in your productions BPM’s range from 80-90bpm.. so will work well with Lo-Fi, Hip-Hop and Pop productions. All WAV files are key-labeled and bpm labeled, and have been EQ’d to fit right into your productions, straight out of the box. Grab the funk and get inspired!
