Ultimate Guitar House WAV MiDi

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如果您在下一首曲目中寻找真正的吉他,此包包含您需要的一切。 可能是世界上最好的吉他样本包&# […]



如果您在下一首曲目中寻找真正的吉他,此包包含您需要的一切。 可能是世界上最好的吉他样本包……不,我们不是在开玩笑!无填充物的超高品质,只是市场上最优质音频的样本!!!我们决定消除这种压力和雇用会话播放器和工作室的成本,并为您完成艰苦的工作。 我们聘请了一个世界级的录音室,并在样品包中录制了一些最好的吉他乐句和一个镜头!如果您正在寻找真正的有机吉他循环、原始单曲和灵感,那么您来对地方了。
This pack contains everything you need if you are looking for REAL guitars in your next track.  Probably the best guitar sample pack in the world…. No, we are not kidding! Ultra high quality with no fillers, just samples of the best quality audio on the market!!! We decided to take away that stress and the cost of hiring a session player and studio and do the hard work for you.  We hired a world class studio for the week and recording some of the finest guitar licks and one shots ever found in a sample pack! If you are looking for real organic guitar loops, original one shots and inspiration, you have come to the right place.
