“Closer Pop”是一个很棒的新版本,你可以在你的作品中使用,所有这些都是免版税的。这个包通过有节奏的贝斯和合成器、美妙的旋律、肥厚的动态鼓循环和 FX 声音满足了当今热门唱片的需求。它还包括范围广泛的一次性样本,以及精选的 MIDI 文件集合,以实现完全的灵活性。
‘Closer Pop’ is a fantastic new release that you can use in your productions, all Royalty-Free. This pack satisfies the demand of today’s hit records with rhythmic basslines and synths, great melodic melodies, fat dynamic drum loops and FX sounds. It also includes a wide range of one-shot samples, as well as a selected collection of MIDI files for total flexibility.