The Future Of Pop WAV-DiSCOVER

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新鲜而鼓舞人心。旋律和收音机准备好了! 5 个现代流行套件,会让您大吃一惊!受最新音乐趋势的启发,旨在为您提供 […]



新鲜而鼓舞人心。旋律和收音机准备好了! 5 个现代流行套件,会让您大吃一惊!受最新音乐趋势的启发,旨在为您提供最佳声音和大量灵感。疯狂的主音、动感的鼓、旋律弹拨和打击垫!在创作过程中获得新想法并获得一点帮助所需的一切。您会在这里找到 5 个带有 54 个环的构造套件。茎中的所有内容都安排了文件。您可以在演示文件中听到的所有内容都在包中!
Fresh and inspiring. Melodic and radio ready! 5 modern pop kits that will blow your mind! Inspired by the newest trends in music and designed to provide you with the best sound and tons of inspiration. Crazy leads, dynamic drums, melodic plucks and pads! Everything that you need to get the new ideas and to get a little help during your creating process. You will find here 5 construction kits with 54 loops. Everything in stems arranged files. Everything that you can hear in the demo file is in the pack!
