本系列的第四包包含另一个精选的循环和一个镜头,融合了热带之家和未来流行音乐,为您的下一个热带曲目提供即时灵感!进入“Tropicality 4”的世界——迄今为止最美丽的热带房屋样品包的四边形。沉浸在丛林和白色沙滩的氛围中,你会发现不可思议的创造力和灵感,这需要工具来实现你的想法。这意味着——你需要这个库中的所有材料!多汁的节拍、狂野而易碎的音效、甜美的木槌和拨弦、手掌般的旋律、干净的贝司和明亮的人声循环——所有这些都包含在这个 930MB 的包中。为您提供 100% 免版税,这个热门样品包包括令人印象深刻的夏季和深思熟虑的热带房屋节奏的合集,这将使您的制作更上一层楼!
This fourth pack in this series contains another selection of loops and one shots fusing Tropical House and Future Pop, providing instant inspiration for your next Tropical track! Enter the world of “Tropicality 4” – the quadriquel to the most beautiful Tropical House sample pack to date. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the jungle and white sandy beaches and you will find incredible creative power and inspiration, which requires tools for the implementation of your ideas. That’s means – you need all of the material in this library! Juicy beats, wild and crumbly sound effects, honeyed mallets & plucks, palmy melodies, neat basses and bright vocal loops – all of them featured in this 930MB package. Provided to you 100% Royalty-Free, this hot sample pack includes an impressive collection of both summer and thoughtful melodic tropical house grooves that will take your production to the next level!