Cinematic Sound FX 1 WAV-DECiBEL

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Cinematic Sound FX 1 提供了种类繁多的 SFX 样本,用于通过从沉重的冲击和嗖嗖声到柔和而 […]



Cinematic Sound FX 1 提供了种类繁多的 SFX 样本,用于通过从沉重的冲击和嗖嗖声到柔和而微妙的音景过渡的任何事物来创建紧张感或为场景着色。充满活力的打击乐和驱动的琶音将增强您的动作,并为完整的电影体验添加画龙点睛的效果。 Cinematic Sound FX 1 是 Image Sounds 的另一个版本。在这个伟大的专家系列中,我们只关注乐谱声音。录音和声音设计采用高品质录音设备制作,以捕捉每个声音的巨大接近度。您不仅会注意到教科书的质量,还会注意到我们渴望生产的品种和高质量的加工。
Cinematic Sound FX 1 offers a vast variety of SFX samples for creating tension or coloring a scene through anything from heavy impacts and whooshes to soft and subtle soundscape transitions. Energetic percussion and driven arpeggios will enhance your action and add the finishing touches to a full cinematic experience. Cinematic Sound FX 1 is another release from Image Sounds. In this great expert series, we focus exclusively on score sounds. The recordings and sound designs are made with high-quality recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of each sound. You will not only notice the textbook quality, but also the variety and high-quality processing we are eager to produce.
