Roaring Stags WAV

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在与野鹤成功录制后,我决定寻找野鹿。录制它们并不像我想象的那么简单。该库包含 45 个使用 Sound Dev […]



在与野鹤成功录制后,我决定寻找野鹿。录制它们并不像我想象的那么简单。该库包含 45 个使用 Sound Devices 702 录制的文件、两个设置为 XY 模式的 Oktavas MK012 和 Rode NTG3。所有文件听起来都不一样,因为我在一天中的不同时间在森林中央录制所有内容。记录野生动物不是你可以计划的,我必须尽可能地记录,无论周围发生了什么。大约 90% 的文件被删除,这 65 分钟的音频是我剩下的 10%。在这个声音库中,您会发现混响声音和混响较少的声音。我和 stags 之间的距离在变化,这就是混响量不同的原因。而且动物们不停地移动,有时它们完全相反的方向,所以咆哮声听起来更遥远。有时在咆哮之间,你会听到我靠近麦克风的细微声音。我留下了那些声音,所以任何人都可以在想要的地方进行剪辑,但那些微妙的声音很少发生。该库将在未来更新,添加以不同立体声技术录制的附加文件。
After successful recording session with wild cranes, I’ve decided to hunt for wild stags. Recording them was not as simple as I thought it would be. This library contains 45 files recorded with Sound Devices 702, two Oktavas MK012 set in XY pattern, and Rode NTG3. All files sounds different, because I was recording everything in the middle of the forest during different times of the day. Recording wild animals is not something you can plan, and I had to record whatever I could, no matter what was happening around. About 90% of the files were deleted, and this 65 minutes of audio is 10% I got left with. In this sound library you’ll find reverberant sounds and ones that has less of the reverb. The distance between me and stags was changing, and that’s the reason of different amount of reverb. Also the animals were constantly moving, and sometimes they turned in completely opposite direction, so roars sounded more distant. Sometimes between roars you’ll hear subtle sounds of me moving close to microphones. I left those sounds so anyone can make cuts in desired places, but those subtle sounds happens very rarely. This library will be updated in the future with additional files recorded in different stereo techniques.
