American Whistle And Guitar 2 WAV-FANTASTiC

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“American Whistle & Guitar 2”拥有 20 个独特的 Whistle Voc […]



“American Whistle & Guitar 2”拥有 20 个独特的 Whistle Vocals 和 1 个 Main Strum Guitar,您可以将它们用于创意和创新。该产品充满了在不同文化中非常普遍和流行的美国民谣。该产品为您提供左右立体声的和声人声和现场原声吉他。 Munique Music 在 American Idol、33 Fox、Kardashian 真人秀、Access Holywood 等有多个展示位置。所有音乐都是免版税的,并且最初是使用现场乐器从头开始创作的。这些套件采用 American Folk、Indie Pop、Hip Hop、Soul、Indie Rock 和 Acoustic Indie 的风格。
‘American Whistle & Guitar 2’ features 20 unique Whistle Vocals and 1 Main Strum Guitar that you can use for creativity and innovation. This product is filled with that American Folk sound that is very universal and popular among different cultures. This product gives you harmony vocals and live acoustic guitar in left and right stereo. Munique Music has several placements with American Idol, 33 Fox, the Kardashian reality show, Access Holywood, and many more. All music is Royalty Free and orignally created from scratch using live instrumentation. These Kits are in the styles of American Folk, Indie Pop, Hip Hop, Soul, Indie Rock and Acoustic Indie.
