Waverunner WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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“Waverunner”包含五个灵感来自现代排行榜的艺术家,如 Migos、Future、Cardi B、Dr […]



“Waverunner”包含五个灵感来自现代排行榜的艺术家,如 Migos、Future、Cardi B、Drake、Travis Scott 等等。包含 MIDI 文件,让您可以自由地将旋律与您选择的任何声音一起应用。或者,只需将 WAV 文件拖放到您选择的 DAW 中,即可立即开始您的排行榜。这是一个必不可少的嘻哈合集,可以添加到您的循环库中。
‘Waverunner’ is loaded with five Construction Kits inspired by modern chart-topping artists like Migos, Future, Cardi B, Drake, Travis Scott and many more. MIDI files are included giving you the freedom to apply melodies with any sound you choose. Alternatively, simply drag & drop the WAV files into your DAW of choice to get started on your chart-topping hit straight away. This is an essential Hip Hop collection to add to your loops library.

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