用于 Hip Hop/Rap 和 SwingGBeat 音乐的尖端声音的构建套件。如果您需要一组对音乐有用的样本来帮助您入门,这是一个便宜的收藏。这是一段从 70 年代的 Funk 到 Snoop,从 East Coast 到 Eurorap 的旅程,收集了一系列很酷的 phat loop、Grooves 和 ol' Skool Funk 样本——Bass Tones & Grooves、Funky Guitar Riffs、Keys、Horny Horns & Saxes、Cheesy Synths、Vinyl FX、鼓和打击乐等 – 超过 300 个踢球样本。
A Construction Kit of cutting edge sounds for Hip Hop/Rap & SwinGBeat music. If you need a musically useful set of samples to get you started, this is a bargain collection. It’s a journey from 70’s Funk to Snoop, from East Coast to Eurorap, a cool collection of phat loops, Grooves & ol’ Skool Funk samples – Bass Tones & Grooves, Funky Guitar Riffs, Keys, Horny Horns & Saxes, Cheesy Synths, Vinyl FX, Drums & Percussion, etc – over 300 kickin’ samples.