深夜的氛围、悦耳的色调和有机的灵感,我们的最新系列无疑提供了独一无二的灵感。介绍蓝色调。 3 位世界级音乐家、定制设备选择和老式磁带机的融合,这些令人惊叹的爵士音乐样本中的每一个都充满了我们只知道您会喜欢的真实个性!
Late night vibes, dulcet tones and organically inspiring, our latest collection certainly provides inspiration like no other. Introducing Blue Tones. The amalgamation of 3 world class musicians, bespoke equipment choices and a vintage tape machine, every one of these stunning jazz music samples is brimming with authentic character we just know you’ll love!