Griddy Organ Grooves WAV

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“Griddy Organ Grooves”在 11 个构建套件中具有深情的风琴,全部由专业音乐家演奏。该产品 […]



“Griddy Organ Grooves”在 11 个构建套件中具有深情的风琴,全部由专业音乐家演奏。该产品具有您将听到的一些最深情的器官循环。这个包将为任何生产带来广泛的字符和颜色。这些充满活力的灵魂乐、放克和爵士乐会让您大吃一惊,这些 Hammond B-3 和 C-3 管风琴… RnB、嘻哈、新灵魂和爵士乐制作人一直很欣赏哈蒙德风琴为音乐带来的丰富品质。主要制作人使用管风琴为唱片带来刺激和力量,而其他制作人则使用管风琴来增加复古风味和深度。无论您想要传递什么样的声音或感觉,该产品都能带来广泛的情感,以满足您的所有音乐需求。所有声音和样本都是免版税的,您可以在商业制作中使用,甚至用于 DJ/混音目的。您可以根据需要以多种方式使用这些示例。
‘Griddy Organ Grooves’ features soulful organs in 11 Construction Kits, all played by professional musicians. This product has some of the most soulful organ loops that you will ever hear. This pack will bring a wide array of character and colour to any production. With vibrant Soul, Funk & Jazz that will blow you away, these Hammond B-3 & C-3 orga… RnB, Hip Hop, Neo Soul and Jazz producers have always appreciated the rich quality that a hammond organ brings to music. Major producers have used organs to bring excitement and power to a record while others use an organ to add vintage flavour and depth. No matter what sound or sensation you want to deliver, this product brings a wide range of emotion to fit all of your musical needs. All sounds and samples are Royalty-Free for you to use in a commercial production or even for DJ/Remix purposes. You can use these samples in as many ways as you desire.
