Guitar Daze WAV-DECiBEL

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由才华横溢的 Brent March 演奏和录制,这个标志性的阳光普照电吉他样本集合是完美的样本材料。记录 N […]



由才华横溢的 Brent March 演奏和录制,这个标志性的阳光普照电吉他样本集合是完美的样本材料。记录 Neo-Soul & Jazz 的音符,这些美妙的吉他乐句中的每一个都非常适合嘻哈、电子乐和陷阱。无论您是使用它们来构成轨道的基础、创建丰富的合唱还是将它们放入采样器中,谐波丰富的纹理都会营造出即时的氛围和音调。准备好添加真实的触感,我们只知道您会喜欢它们。
Performed and recorded by the outrageously talented Brent March, this iconic collection of sun-drenched electric guitar samples are the perfect sample material. Taking notes from Neo-Soul & Jazz, each one of these beautiful guitar licks will be perfect for hip-hop, electronica and trap. Whether you use them to form the foundation of a track, create a lush chorus or drop them into a sampler, the harmonically rich textures will create an instant vibe and tone. Primed for adding that authentic touch, we just know you’ll adore them.

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