Jazz Flutes WAV

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Jazz Flutes 是最好的爵士长笛样本集合,保证每次都能提供无穷无尽的灵感。由才华横溢的音乐家 Rena […]



Jazz Flutes 是最好的爵士长笛样本集合,保证每次都能提供无穷无尽的灵感。由才华横溢的音乐家 Renato Bianucci 表演、录制和制作,每个循环都捕捉到了爵士乐的真正精髓,只是要求为您的作品注入新鲜的活力。每个循环都格式化为 4、8 和 16 小节的乐句,重新采样、切碎或混合的机会是无穷无尽的。从快速颤音到传奇的 60 年代风格循环,配音 licks 到长期演变的连奏乐句,我们确保不遗余力地获得真实的会议氛围。每个录制精美的长笛样本都为混合和处理提供了令人惊叹的调色板。从星光启发的爵士嘻哈到经典的 Skream 启发的 Dubstep,从经典的 Deep House 到 Funk & Soul,选择真的是无穷无尽的,我们只知道你会发现这些真正鼓舞人心的。
Jazz Flutes is the finest collection of jazz flute samples and guarantees to offer endless levels of inspiration each and every time. Performed, recorded and produced by the outrageously talented session musician Renato Bianucci, each loop captures the true essence of jazz and is just asking to breath fresh life into your compositions. With each loop formatted to 4, 8 & 16 bar phrases, the opportunity for re-sampling, chopping or mixing is endless. From quick trills to legendary 60’s style loops, dub tinged licks to long evolving legato phrases we’ve ensured no stone was left unturned in getting that authentic session vibe. Each beautifully recorded flute sample offers an amazing palette for mixing and processing. From astral inspired jazz hip-hop to classic Skream inspired Dubstep, classic Deep House to Funk & Soul the options really are endless and we just know you’re going to find these truly inspiring.
