Jazz Keys WAV

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Jazz Keys,一系列小巧但重点突出的包,提供了一个美丽创意的最佳时刻。这周的新增内容以精美录制的、可采样 […]



Jazz Keys,一系列小巧但重点突出的包,提供了一个美丽创意的最佳时刻。这周的新增内容以精美录制的、可采样的爵士钢琴循环集合的形式出现。由才华横溢的钢琴家 Jakob Lindhagen 演奏和录制,这个真正真实的爵士钢琴样本集合是任何作曲家样本库的完美补充。从复杂的爵士和弦到精致的主线和乐句,我们涵盖了很多领域,为您提供终极的灵活性和灵感。我们将每个录音环节的重点放在音调、麦克风放置和性能上,我们特意收录了那些使这个系列如此亲密和可爱的个人时刻。从呼吸声和木制吱吱声到实际钢琴锤敲击琴弦的声音,这个令人惊叹的收藏为您带来了一组既美丽又精致的个人录音。
Jazz Keys, A collection of small but focused packs offering the finest moments of a single beautiful idea. This weeks addition comes in the form of a beautifully recorded, sample ready jazz piano loops collection. Performed and recorded by the outrageously talented session pianist Jakob Lindhagen, this truly authentic collection of jazz piano samples are the perfect addition to any composers sample library. From complex jazz chords to delicate lead lines and phrases we’ve covered a lot of ground to provide you with the ultimate in flexibility & inspiration. Focusing each recording session on tone, mic placement and performance, we’ve purposefully included those personal moments that make this collection so intimate and endearing. From breath sounds and wooden creaks to sounds of the actual piano hammers striking the strings, this stunning collection brings you an up front and personal set of recordings that are as beautiful as they are delicate.
