Late Night Moves WAV

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尘土飞扬,有特色,永恒。 Late Night Grooves 在追求经典的同时又融入了现代风格,深入挖掘了弹 […]



尘土飞扬,有特色,永恒。 Late Night Grooves 在追求经典的同时又融入了现代风格,深入挖掘了弹簧混响、模拟合成器、丰富的吉他音色和经典中断的世界。受 Celeste 和 Gotts Street Park 的声音启发,这款闷热的深夜野兽是 70 年代亲密电影配乐的配乐。乙烯基裂纹覆盖了弹簧混响和饱和鼓音的鞭打。
Dusty, characterful and timeless. Reaching for the classics but with that modern twist, Late Night Grooves digs deep into the world of spring reverbs, analogue synths, rich guitar tones and classic breaks. Inspired by the sounds of Celeste and Gotts Street Park, this sultry late night beast is the soundtrack to that intimate 70’s film score. Vinyl crackle covers the lashings of spring reverb and saturated drum tones.

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