Early Morning Lo-Fi WAV-FANTASTiC

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Toolbox Samples 的“Early Morning Lo-Fi”是一个精美的组合包,为那些清晨的氛 […]



Toolbox Samples 的“Early Morning Lo-Fi”是一个精美的组合包,为那些清晨的氛围做好了准备。醒来,喝点咖啡,打开百叶窗,打开你的 Lo-Fi!我们制作了一个样品包,专门针对那天早上的工作。所有样品都是在中午之前制作的,以确保最终真实性。一种很酷的有机乐器混合体,如贝斯、吉他和钢琴,以及合成器、效果器和尘土飞扬的鼓切。如果您在制作下一张唱片时正在寻找新的 lo-fi 灵感,那就别无所求!
‘Early Morning Lo-Fi’ by Toolbox Samples is a beautifully composed pack ready for those early morning vibes. Wake up, sip some coffee, open the blinds, and get your Lo-Fi on! We’ve produced a sample pack aimed for just that morning’s stint. All samples were made before noon for ultimate authenticity. A cool hybrid of organic instruments such as bass, guitar and piano as well as synths, fx and dusty drum cuts. If you’re looking for some new lo-fi inspiration when producing your next record, then look no further!
