Hip Hop Box WAV MiDi

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“Hip-Hop Box”——大量的鼓循环、旋律构建套件和 MIDI 文件。声音从钢琴、合成器、打击垫、管弦乐 […]



“Hip-Hop Box”——大量的鼓循环、旋律构建套件和 MIDI 文件。声音从钢琴、合成器、打击垫、管弦乐到柔和的打击乐、低保真声音和强劲的鼓声不一而足。所有内容都分类在文件夹中,以便于访问。所有的节拍和旋律都是关键和 BPM 标记,所以一切都清晰且超级易于使用。所有 magesy 架子鼓都包含单个和分离的鼓循环,因此您可以立即找到您正在寻找的声音。该产品还提供了大量的旋律循环,所有 MIDI 文件对应于套件中包含的每个旋律部分。这意味着您可以自由地混合、重新制作和使用您自己的预设和音色,以完全符合您的音乐品味。轻松将这些循环拖放到您最喜欢的 DAW 中,然后开始制作您的下一个热门歌曲。本产品中的每个文件都是 100% 免版税的……
‘Hip-Hop Box’ – a huge collection of drum loops, melody construction kits and MIDI Files. Sounds vary from piano, synths, pads, orchestral hits to soft percussion, lo-fi sounds and strong drums. Everything categorized in folders for an easy access. All the beats and melodies are key and BPM labeled, so everything is clear and super easy to use. All of the magesy drum kits include single and separated drum loops, so you can instantly find a sound you are looking for. This product also delivers an enormous amount of melody loops with all MIDI Files corresponding to every melodic part in the kit included. That means you can freely mix, remaster and use your own presets and patches that fit perfectly in your music taste. Easily drag and drop these loops into your favorite DAW & start working on your next hit. Every file in this product is 100% Royalty-Free…
