Minimal Techno WAV

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“MINIMAL TECHNO (Complete Drums Pack)”,录制在德国最深处的柏林,只有地下 […]



“MINIMAL TECHNO (Complete Drums Pack)”,录制在德国最深处的柏林,只有地下的声音,从鼓机和模块化系统之间的几个小时的 Jam 会话中挑选出最好的 510 个循环。 MINIMAL TECHNO 带有超过 200 mb 的专为微型声音制作人挑选的地下鼓音色。当谈到 techno 音乐时,您首先想到的是温暖的模拟风味声音,因此您会在此包中发现这些 ANALOG 声音以如此地下和简约的方式录制,您将不得不使用此包来制作您的下一个轨道。所有循环都设置为 126 BPM 和 1 到 2 个小节。
“MINIMAL TECHNO (Complete Drums Pack)”, recorded in the deepest state of Germany, BERLIN, only underground sound with the finest selection of 510 loops taken from hours of Jam sessions between drum machines and modular system. MINIMAL TECHNO comes with over 200 mb of only underground drum sounds specially selected for Micro sound producers. When it’s about techno music the first thing that comes to your mind is a warm analog flavour sound, so you will find in this pack these ANALOG sounds recorded in such an underground and minimalistic way that you will HAVE to use this pack to produce your next tracks. All loops are set to 126 BPM and between 1 and 2 bars.
