“Groovefonk House Vol 2”是“Groovefonk House”的第二卷,这是一个全新的必备样本包,包含您制作作品并将主房间律动提升到一个新水平所需的一切。灵感来自 Dannic、Tom & Jame、Sick Individuals、Holl & Rush、LoaX、Jayden Jaxx 等等,这个新的样本包是您收集声音的必备工具。这是制作现代groove和mainroom House的必备样本包。
‘Groovefonk House Vol 2’ the second volume of ‘Groovefonk House’, a brand new essential sample pack with everything you need to fonk up your productions and take your mainroom groove to a next level. Inspired by the sounds of Dannic, Tom & Jame, Sick Individuals, Holl & Rush, LoaX, Jayden Jaxx and many more, this new sample pack is a must-have tool in your collection of sounds. This is an essential sample pack for producing modern groove and mainroom House.