Modern Ambient WAV

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“Modern Ambient”是第十二个包,与他迄今为止的所有包一样,采用另一个方向为您提供最多样化的声音集 […]



“Modern Ambient”是第十二个包,与他迄今为止的所有包一样,采用另一个方向为您提供最多样化的声音集合。在这里,您会找到一个集合,它可以解锁丰富的声音层次,并为您的环境声音创作增添一点人性化的戏剧效果。 借助扭曲的有机键、巨大的电影垫、密集的纹理和情感合成器,您可以顺利进行。将所有这些并列在一起,是赋予上述内容一些优势的声音。厚实耐嚼的 techno 节拍、断断续续的嘈杂打击乐和起伏有节奏的贝司线将让事情继续前进,即使在最温和的洗涤旁边也是如此。
‘Modern Ambient’ is the Twelfth pack, and as with all his packs so far, takes another direction to offer you the most diverse collection of sounds possible. Here, you’ll find a collection that’ll unlock layers of rich sound and add a touch of human drama to your ambient sonic creation.  With twisted organic keys, vast cinematic pads, dense textures and emotional synths, you’re well on your way. Juxtaposing all this, are sounds that give the above some edge. Thick chewy techno beats, choppy noisy percussion and undulating rhythmic basslines will keep things moving, even alongside the most gentle washes.
