“现代人声循环 4” 为您带来全新的火热和令人惊叹的免版税人声循环选择,非常适合所有类型的电子音乐。这个包具有各种各样的切片和音高音轨准备好的声乐循环。这个样本包适合多种流派,包括 Future Bass、Drum & Bass、House、Trance、Pop、Tropical House 等。听听演示并下载这个很棒的声乐样本包。将它与 Laniakea Sounds 的其他产品混合并导入您的 DAW 并创建您的下一个 gem。
‘Modern Vocal Loops 4’ brings you the new selection of fiery and breathtaking Royalty-Free vocal loops perfectly suited for all genres of electronic music. This pack features a huge assortment of sliced and pitched track-ready vocal loops.This sample pack is sui table for multiple genres including Future Bass, Drum & Bass, House, Trance, Pop, Tropical House and more. Take a listen to the demo and download this awesome vocal sample pack. Mix it with other products from Laniakea Sounds and import to your DAW and create your next gem.