欢迎来到现代 Vox Vol.2!!!这个样品包是迄今为止我们在网站上发布的最好的样品包之一!制作这个特殊套件花费了很多时间和工作。从第一个 Modern Vox 开始,我们就想通过这个 Vol.2 将它的生产升级,我们相信我们做到了!使用大量的均衡器、压缩、失真、混响、移调和延迟,我们提出了一些有趣且富有创意的人声,您可以将它们添加到您的作品中!从呐喊到口语/说唱短语的所有内容,一定会为您今天的节拍添加一些调味汁!所有人声都采用 24 位/WAV 采样,您可以在任何 DAW 格式中使用它们,当然它们都是免费的!!!
Welcome to Modern Vox Vol.2!!! This Sample Pack is by far one of the BEST we have released on the site! A lot of hours and work have been spent making this special kit. From the first Modern Vox, we wanted to take it a step up in production with this Vol.2 and we believe we did! Using a vast array of EQ, Compression, Distortion, Reverb, Pitch-Shifting and Delays we have come up with some interesting and creative Vocals that you can add to your productions today! Everything from Shouts to Spoken / Rapped Phrases that will be sure to add some sauce to your beats today! All Vocals come in 24-bit / Wav Samples that you can use in ANY DAW FORMAT and of course they all come ROYALTY FREE!!!