PowerFX Downtown Strings 2 WAV

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这是一个无可挑剔的原始弦乐四重奏编曲合集,被组织成带有单独的第一和第二小提琴、大提琴和中提琴部件以及完整演奏部 […]



这是一个无可挑剔的原始弦乐四重奏编曲合集,被组织成带有单独的第一和第二小提琴、大提琴和中提琴部件以及完整演奏部分的构造套件。包括古典、流行、R&B 和电影风格。电影、迪斯科、嘻哈、流行和摇滚以及现代经典。此自定义选择具有弦乐四重奏,其中包含作为单独文件的每个乐器声部以及乐器一起演奏作品的“全部”部分。这些都是专为 PowerFX 编写的原创编曲。所有这一切使 Downtown Strings II 成为音乐制作各个方面的“必备”创意……
This is an impeccable collection of pristine string quartet arrangements organized into construction kits with individual 1st and 2nd violins, cello and viola parts as well as the fully played part. Includes classical, pop, R&B and cinematic styles. Cinematic, Disco, Hip-Hop, Pop & Rock and Modern Classic. This custom selection features string quartets containing each instruments part as a separate file as well as an “all” section where the instruments play the piece together. These are all original arrangements written especially for PowerFX. All this makes Downtown Strings II a “must-have” creative essential for all aspects of music production…
